Jurnal ora 22.00 2 mai
Jurnal ora 22.00 2 mai
Thu, 02 May 2019 23:20:21 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:REVOLTĂTOR ONU dezvăluie că Ungaria îi privează în mod deliberat de hrană pe migranţii cărora le-a fost refuzat azilul
Ungaria îi privează în mod deliberat de hrană pe migranţii cărora le-a fost refuzat azilul, a acuzat vineri Înaltul Comisariat al ONU pentru Drepturile Omului, denunţând o încălcare din partea Budapestei a dreptului internaţional, transmite AFP.
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Sat, 04 May 2019 02:40:01 +0000
Text (LINK) afiliat:Ro Ag
Coplată pentru serviciile medicale private
Coplata pentru serviciile medicale private intră astăzi pe ordinea de zi a şedinţei de Guvern. Proiectul de ordonanţă de urgenţă prevede că asiguraţii se vor putea trata la spitalele private, însă vor fi nevoiţi să acopere diferen ...(Citește tot articolul)
Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:En
‘Liar, liar pants on fire’: Boris Johnson slammed online over deleted tweet on local election voting
Boris Johnson has been branded “a liar” online over a now-deleted tweet claiming he voted in Thursday’s local elections, despite no polling taking place in the London constituency he represents or where he normally resides.
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Fri, 03 May 2019 14:25:00 +0000
Thailand's King Vajiralongkorn is crowned as three-day coronation begins
The solemn ceremony in Bangkok means the new monarch is fully consecrated as a ‘god-king’
Thailand has crowned its new King Maha Vajiralongkorn, marking the first ascension of a new monarch in seven decades.
In an elaborate ceremony on Saturday which fused ancient Buddhist and Hindu Brahmin rituals, Vajiralongkorn was doused with holy water by the most respected religious, political and royal figures in Thailand before the royal crown was placed on his head and he received the highly symbolic nine-tiered umbrella, vesting him as King Rama X of Thailand.
Continue reading...Sat, 04 May 2019 07:01:29 GMT
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