International conference "Future of Europe. Perspectives of Contemporary Developments" - next week, in Sibiu
The international conference "Future of Europe. Perspectives of Contemporary Developments" will be held in Sibiu from Wednesday to Friday, organized in the context of the EU Summit of 9 May.
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Sat, 4 May 2019 20:31:02 +0200
Text (LINK) afiliat:Rinichi transportat, în premieră, cu ajutorul unei drone. Ce spun medicii
În timp ce la noi în ţară pacienţii mor aşteptând în zadar un transplant, în Maryland, Statele Unite, o dronă a transportat în premieră un rinichi între două spitale.
Fri, 03 May 2019 14:01:00 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:Ro Ag
Şedinţă de Consiliu Local la Topoloveni
Mâine, 24 aprilie 2019, are loc la ora 14, la sala de ședințe a PrimărieiTopoloveni, şedinţa Consiliului Local. Consilierii locali din Topoloveni se vor întâlni în ședința ordinarăpe luna aprilie 2019. Pe ordinea de z...(Citește tot articolul)
Tue, 23 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:En
Trump Jr hits out at Facebook ‘censorship campaign’ over Alex Jones ban
Donald Trump Jr. has lashed out at what he called the “purposeful and calculated” silencing of conservative voices on social media, following the latest Facebook ban against Alex Jones and other right-wing commentators.
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Fri, 03 May 2019 18:59:00 +0000
Japan’s private rocket reaches outer space for first time
TOKYO — A Japanese aerospace startup funded by a former internet maverick has successfully launched a small rocket into space. Interstellar Technology Inc. says the unmanned MOMO-3 rocket has exceeded 60 miles in altitude before falling into the Pacific Ocean. The company says it proves that a rocket using mostly commercial parts can reach the...
Sat, 04 May 2019 00:58:51 -0400
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