Victorie incredibilă pentru Dragnea junior. Performanță majoră reușită de acesta
Dragnea junior a uimit pe toată lumea cu ultima sa performanță. Nici cei mai înfocați fani ai săi nu se așteptau la acest lucru.
Sat, 04 May 2019 19:44:15 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:România a obţinut două medalii de aur şi patru medalii de argint la Olimpiada Balcanică de Matematică pentru seniori
Lotul olimpic de matematică al României a obţinut şase medalii (două medalii de aur şi patru medalii de argint) la a 36-a ediţie a Olimpiadei Balcanice de Matematică pentru seniori care a avut loc la Chişinău.
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Sat, 4 May 2019 17:38:42 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:Ro Ag
Cum funcţionează pieţele din Piteşti de sărbători
SC SALPITFLOR GREN SA anunță că în perioada 26 - 29 aprilie 2019 piețele municipiului Pitești vor funcționa după următorul program: vineri 26.04.2019 06:30 - 20:30 sâmbătă 27.04.2019 - 06:30 -17:30 duminică 28.04.2019: î...(Citește tot articolul)
Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:En
Tourist warning as lethal cases of BUBONIC PLAGUE put Mongolia on high alert
Russia’s Federal Agency for Tourism has issued a special warning to tourists traveling to Mongolia after two fatal cases of bubonic plague were confirmed in the country.
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Sat, 04 May 2019 16:32:46 +0000
Mark Haddon: ‘Curious Incident was like a gold-plated ball and chain'
Since his global bestseller, Mark Haddon has struggled to write a ‘big novel’. He talks about his fantastical new book, The Porpoise, and his recovery from heart surgery
A third of the way through Mark Haddon’s new novel, The Porpoise, a character succumbs to a failing heart. Haddon, who spent his boyhood reading science books rather than children’s stories, has a particular nerdish fascination with how such things work, so the precise manner of this man’s demise is described over a page and a half, starting with the calcified lumps of cholesterol that have narrowed his arteries, and ending at the moment when the wall between the heart’s four chambers “is thin and ballooning and becoming weaker ... until, at last, the flesh tears and there are no longer four chambers, only one wrecked vessel of twitching flesh in which the blood pools and squelches”.
Haddon himself has recently escaped a similar fate. In February – long after the novel was finished – he was pulled into hospital for a double heart bypass. Plus, he adds punctiliously, “the redirection of a left internal mammary artery on to my coronary artery”. (He has now read two books about heart surgery, and jokes: “I could have a good crack at it myself.”) Unlike his utterly dissipated character, Haddon, at 56, is a physically fit vegetarian, whose only symptom was something amiss on his regular runs. “I couldn’t run up big hills, then small hills, without stopping. It wasn’t that I was exhausted. I was exhausted for a minute, and I’d have to stop, but then I could go again.” He mentioned it to his GP, who sent him for a scan. “They said: ‘Get in here, quickly.’ I could have been that man who just keels over by the frozen fish in Sainsbury’s.”
Continue reading...Sat, 04 May 2019 09:59:08 GMT
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