Tuesday, May 7, 2019

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VIDEO. Turbulenţe severe în timpul unei curse British Airways. 14 oameni au fost răniți

Călătorie de coşmar pentru zeci de oameni care se aflau la bordul unui avion ce aparţine companiei British Airways.

Tue, 07 May 2019 13:24:23 +0300

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Un avion al forţelor guvernamentale din Libia a fost doborât trupele generalului Haftar

Forţele Armatei Naţionale Libiene (LNA), conduse de generalul Khalifa Haftar, au doborât un avion al forţelor guvernamentale şi au anunţat că aparatul de zbor era pilotat de un cetăţean străin, potrivit Reuters.

Tue, 07 May 2019 17:01:36 GMT

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Licitaţie de un milion de euro la Rucăr

După ce a obţinut toate cele 25 de avize necesare pentru autorizaţia de construire, Primăria comunei Rucăr a lansat licitaţia pentru execuţia lucrărilor de modernizare a drumurilor de interes local. Modernizarea drumurilor este vitală pentru...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

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‘Incomprehensible’: German FM decries Istanbul election re-run in latest escalation with Ankara

Preview German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has condemned Turkey’s decision to re-run the contentious Istanbul mayoral election amid a long-running diplomatic dispute between the two countries.
Read Full Article at RT.com

Tue, 07 May 2019 10:12:26 +0000

Off California, Something 'Like the Loch Ness Monster'

Sharks as long as a small bus prowl at the water's surface, their mouths open wide in search of lunch. And the crowd goes wild. That's been the scene lately off the coast of Southern California, where gentle giant basking sharks have been turning up in numbers not seen in...

Tue, 07 May 2019 09:45:00 CDT

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