Saturday, May 4, 2019

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O femeie s-a prăbuşit cu parapanta la Erbiceni, în Iaşi, suferind multiple traumatisme, luată de elicopterul SMURD

O femeie, parapantist amator, a căzut de la înălţime în zona localităţii Erbiceni, din Iaşi. Ea a supravieţuit căderii, însă a suferit multiple traumatisme şi a fost transportată de urgenţă, cu elicopterul SMURD, la spitalul "Sfântul Spiridon" din Iaşi.

Sat, 04 May 2019 16:15:01 +0200

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HOST Outlet Servere


Reacţia IPJ Iaşi, după mesajul poliţistei care a scăpat cu viaţă dintr-un accident cu Solenza de serviciu

Reacţia IPJ Iaşi, după mesajul poliţistei care a scăpat cu viaţă dintr-un accident cu Solenza de serviciu a venit la câteva ore după ce postarea tinerei agente a devenit virală.

Sat, 04 May 2019 13:34:59 +0200

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HOST Internet Filtrat


Ro Ag

Aveţi grijă! Recomandări de la Prefectură pentru minivacanţa de Paşti şi 1 Mai!

Prefectul judeţului Argeş, Emilian Dragnea, a făcut o serie de recomandări pentru cetăţeni pentru minivacanţa de Paşti şi 1 Mai. Iată care sunt acestea:- În zonele aglomerate din pieţe, gări, autogări, în magazine, fiţi foa...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

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HOST Noutati



Eintracht Frankfurt 1-1 Chelsea: Pedro rocket gives Blues crucial away goal in Europa League semi

Preview Pedro's first-half piledriver equalizes Luka Jovic's brilliant diving header as Chelsea and Eintracht Frankfurt draw in Germany to set up tense UEFA Europa League second leg at Stamford Bridge.
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Thu, 02 May 2019 21:00:00 +0000

Julian Assange and the story of WikiLeaks – podcast

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has been sentenced to 50 weeks in prison for breaching bail conditions after spending almost seven years inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Today, he has an extradition hearing, which could conclude with him being sent to the US. Esther Addley and Julian Borger chart his rise and fall. Plus: Sean Ingle on the Caster Semenya ruling

Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are responsible for the largest data breach in US military history. In 2010, they released about 470,000 classified military documents concerning US diplomacy and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, then later that year, they released a further tranche of more than 250,000 classified US diplomatic cables.

The breach shocked the world and propelled WikiLeaks and Assange to global fame. In November 2010, a Swedish prosecutor issued a European arrest warrant for Assange over sexual assault allegations involving two Swedish women. Assange denies the claims. In 2011, a British judge ruled he could be extradited to Sweden. Fearing Sweden would hand him over to US authorities, Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy, where he was granted political asylum. He remained there until 11 April 2019, when police arrested him at the embassy after his asylum was withdrawn.

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Thu, 02 May 2019 02:00:11 GMT

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