Saturday, May 4, 2019

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Simona Halep are adversare dificile la turneul Mutua Madrid Open 2019

Turneul Mutua Madrid Open 2019 este transmis începând de sâmbătă, de la ora 12:00, în direct pe Digi Sport 2. România are patru reprezentante pe tabloul principal al turneului de la Madrid, iar pentru Simona Halep reîncep calculele în privința șanselor de a redeveni nr. 1 mondial.

Fri, 03 May 2019 22:35:06 +0300

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Sorina Pintea, avertisment privind bolile cardiovasculare: Este principala problemă de sănătate în România. Mortalitatea este de 60%

Sorina Pintea susține, de Ziua Națională a Inimii, că bolile cardiovasculare reprezintă principala problemă de sănătate din România, precizând că mortalitatea este de aproximativ 60% din totalul deceselor.
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Sat, 4 May 2019 12:55:16 +0200

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Licitaţie de un milion de euro la Rucăr

După ce a obţinut toate cele 25 de avize necesare pentru autorizaţia de construire, Primăria comunei Rucăr a lansat licitaţia pentru execuţia lucrărilor de modernizare a drumurilor de interes local. Modernizarea drumurilor este vitală pentru...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

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HOST Internet Business



UN rights experts lambast Assange’s ‘disproportionate’ prison sentence in UK

Preview United Nations human rights experts have voiced criticism over the UK’s decision to imprison WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for nearly one year for skipping bail, describing the harsh sentence as excessive.
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Fri, 03 May 2019 12:15:00 +0000

It’s hard for us on the Israeli left – liberal antisemitism makes it worse | Ayelet Gundar-Goshen

Careless UK and US liberals keep giving Netanyahu the opportunity to say that any criticism is driven by hatred of Jews

The New York Times apologised this week for a cartoon published recently in its international edition. The drawing was of a blind Donald Trump, wearing a skullcap, led by the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was depicted as a dog wearing a star of David collar. The cartoon evoked caricatures of evil Jews misleading blind nations, of a kind popular in the German media during the Nazi era.

Related: Jewish leaders demand explanation over Corbyn book foreword

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Fri, 03 May 2019 14:58:43 GMT

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