Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Ro Ro Ag En - 927849813 / 957351 : 748



Autoritățile, în alertă! O cutie cu urme de sânge, găsită în apropierea unei benzinării din Braşov

O cutie cu urme de sânge a fost găsită de câțiva muncitori în apropierea unei benzinării din județul Braşov, pe Drumul Naţional 13.

Tue, 07 May 2019 13:44:09 +0200

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HOST Gazduire & Domenii


Sorin Blejnar, prima reacţie după ce a aflat că merge la închisoare: "Merg să mă predau. Nu mă aşteptam la asta!"

Sorin Blejnar a avut o primă reacție la Antena 3, după ce judecătorii Curții de Apel București l-au condamnat definitiv la 5 ani de închisoare cu executare.

Tue, 07 May 2019 14:19:18 +0200

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HOST Startups


Ro Ag

Aveţi grijă! Recomandări de la Prefectură pentru minivacanţa de Paşti şi 1 Mai!

Prefectul judeţului Argeş, Emilian Dragnea, a făcut o serie de recomandări pentru cetăţeni pentru minivacanţa de Paşti şi 1 Mai. Iată care sunt acestea:- În zonele aglomerate din pieţe, gări, autogări, în magazine, fiţi foa...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

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HOST Internet Filtrat



Guaido blames coup backers for ‘failing to follow through’ in Venezuela

Preview US-backed Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido blames “people who failed to follow through” for the demise of last week’s attempt to overthrow President Nicolas Maduro’s government – but believes there’s still hope.
Read Full Article at RT.com

Tue, 07 May 2019 02:00:00 +0000

Fired by Trump: former US attorney Preet Bharara on American justice – podcast

The ‘sheriff of Wall Street’, who took on mafia bosses and terrorists in court, looks back on his career. Plus: Tim Gordon on the silencing of the oceans

Preet Bharara rose to become one of the best-known lawyers of his generation. Nicknamed “the sheriff of Wall Street” after becoming the US attorney for the southern district of New York, he took on Russian oligarchs, mafia bosses and terrorists. He is even cited as the inspiration for the prosecutor in the hit TV series Billions.

Having been appointed by Barack Obama, Bharara was initially told he would be kept on in the job by Donald Trump. But just two months into the new presidency, Bharara was fired. He looks back on his career and at the subsequent investigations into Trump.

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Mon, 06 May 2019 02:00:02 GMT

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