Motivul pentru care un veteran de război nu s-a putut întoarce în Franța timp de 75 de ani
Un veteran american din Al Doilea Război Mondial a primit un cadou mai puţin obişnuit de la prietenii săi.
Mon, 06 May 2019 08:42:00 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:Cinci lucruri de ştiut despre Bebeluşul Regal
Scene de bucurie în Regatul Unit după o nesfârşită aşteptare. Sosirea pe lume a primului copil a ducelui şi ducesei de Sussex a fost anunţată luni după amiază. Tot ce a ţinut de acest eveniment a fost realmente atipic, şi veţi constat acest lucru din datele prezentate mai jos.
Tue, 07 May 2019 11:24:54 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:Ro Ag
De Paşti, restricţii de trafic pe drumul Piteşti - Râmnicu Vâlcea
Centrul INFOTRAFIC din Inspectoratul General al Poliţiei Române informează că în perioada 25 aprilie - 1 mai 2019, circulaţia vehiculelor rutiere cu masa totală maximă autorizată mai mare de 7,5 tone (altele decât cele destin...(Citește tot articolul)
Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:En
13 people, including 2 children, confirmed dead in Superjet-100 crash-landing in Moscow
At least 13 people who were on board the burnt-out Aeroflot plane that crash-landed in the Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport have been confirmed dead. Seven more passengers were injured, three of them seriously.
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Sun, 05 May 2019 17:53:00 +0000
With Brexit talks floundering, a public vote is May’s only chance of getting her deal through | Polly Toynbee
This failing prime minister will leave office with nothing unless she compromises and allows the electorate a final say
The charade starts again, the charivari, the pantomime “negotiations” between team May and the Corbyn crew. The play-acting, the feinting and feigning, still pretending there is progress, scarifying both parties’ rank and file. Rory Stewart exposed his wet-behind-the-ears arrival in the cabinet by obediently delivering Downing Street’s line that “our positions are only a quarter of an inch apart”. Well, that’s the longest quarter-inch in history.
In the meantime, in unparalleled parliamentary paralysis, the chancellor has abandoned his promised three-year spending review, with no sign of the long-delayed social care green paper. Instead, this week’s only item in the Commons is the wild animals in circuses bill.
Continue reading...Tue, 07 May 2019 05:00:29 GMT
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