Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Ro Ro Ag En - 591676449 / 120549 : 953



Inscrieri gradinite 2019-2020. Cand incepe inscrierea la gradinite. Acte necesare. Sfaturi sa gasesti gradinita perfecta pentru copil

Inscrieri gradinite 2019-2020. Reinscrierea copiilor care merg la gradinita in acest an si doresc sa o frecventeze si in anul scolar 2019-2020 a inceput luni, 6 mai, iar inscrierea copiilor nou-veniti se va derula din 21 mai, informeaza Ministerul Educatiei Nationale.
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Tue, 7 May 2019 10:31:41 +0300

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HOST Protectie Anti-DDoS


Marea Britanie: Ministrul de Externe spune că nu crede într-o uniune vamală după Brexit

Ministrul britanic de Externe, Jeremy Hunt, a declarat, marţi, că nu crede într-o uniune vamală după Brexit însă a precizat că atât conservatorii, cât şi laburiştii ar trebui să fie deschişi la compromisuri dacă doresc să livreze Brexitul, relatează Reuters.

Tue, 07 May 2019 11:38:52 +0200

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HOST eCommerce


Ro Ag

Licitaţii pentru 4 drumuri judeţene

Consiliul Judeţean a iniţiat procedurile de achiziţie publică pentru serviciile de proiectare, studii de teren, expertiză tehnică şi deviz pentru mai multe drumuri. Drumurile judeţene vizate sunt: DJ 703 B de la limita cu judeţul Olt pe tras...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 06 May 2019 00:00:00 +0300

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HOST Industrii



INSIDE the tragedy: VIDEO shows charred Superjet interior after catching fire in crash-landing

Preview Footage of the wreckage of the Superjet-100 that crash-landed in Moscow show the tail section of the aircraft was completely gutted by fire. At least 41 people died in the tragedy.
Read Full Article at RT.com

Mon, 06 May 2019 10:32:00 +0000

Bear Clan: a model of indigenous activism that's swept across Canada

An organisation founded in the 90s and revived in 2014 is now 1,100 volunteers who walk the streets looking for ways to help

In a small room in a Winnipeg community centre, dozens of volunteers strap on bright yellow vests and ready themselves for night patrol. Some will pick up syringes along the way, others will hand out fresh fruit and water – all under the banner of protecting the city’s most vulnerable.

“We are the boots on the ground,” said James Favel, the founder of Winnipeg’s Bear Clan. “We are the direct action that our nation has been crying for for decades.”

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Tue, 07 May 2019 09:00:34 GMT

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Hosting Managed Servers

Sheet Music

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Sheet Music Plus Music Teachers 2

