Friday, May 3, 2019

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Former Constanta Mayor Sentenced to 9 Years and 10 Months in Prison for Corruption Offences

Romania’s Supreme Court sentenced former Constanta mayor Radu Mazare to nine years and ten months in prison on Friday, as judged deemed he received bribes to hand out exclusive city sanitation contracts to the Polaris SRL company.

Fri, 03 May 2019 12:52:50 GMT

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HOST Colocare Server


Suedezii de la Electrolux vor să PLECE din România, din cauza GREVEI de peste două luni a angajaților

Compania Electrolux Satu Mare ameninţă, prin vocea acelor angajaţi care nu participă la grevă, cu relocarea producţiei din România în Polonia, se menţionează într-un comunicat transmis vineri de preşedintele CNS "Cartel ALFA", Bogdan Hossu.
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Fri, 3 May 2019 17:06:22 +0200

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Camera Deputaţilor a votat pentru repatrierea rezervei de aur a României

Camera Deputaţilor, în calitate de for decizional, a adoptat astăzi proiectul de lege iniţiat de PSD pentru repatrierea integrală a rezervei de aur a României. Proiectul de lege a vizat modificarea şi completarea art. 30 din Legea nr...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

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HOST Internet Business



Assange extradition process is ‘life & death’ for him and for journalism itself – WikiLeaks' editor

Preview The lengthy sentence incurred by Julian Assange for skipping bail has caused “shock and outrage,” WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson has said, adding that the real fight for him and journalism as a whole lies ahead.
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Wed, 01 May 2019 19:32:00 +0000

The Empty Plate: Oldies head off hoping for the best, packing for the worst

Blood clams. Camel curries. Sausages, beer and potatoes. There are so many reasons to explore foreign lands. But much of travel, it seems, is to do with the bowels.

Fri, 03 May 2019 22:00:00 +0800

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