Friday, May 3, 2019

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Consilierul primarului Timișoarei, dedicații pentru interlopi

Imagini scandaloase în care protagonist este unul dintre consilierii primarului Timişoare Nicolae Robu.  Ionuț Nasleu a fost filmat în timpul unei petreceri dintr-un club de manele în momentul în care dă...

Fri, 03 May 2019 11:02:23 +0300

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Jaf în locuinţa unei femei care are în grijă o casă parohială. Hoţii au plecat cu 20.000 de euro

O femeie care are grijă de casa parohială evanghelică din Bistriţa a alertat Poliţia după ce din casă i-au dispărut 20.000 de euro. Presupuşii autori nu au fost încă prinşi, transmite corespondentul MEDIAFAX.

Fri, 03 May 2019 08:07:00 GMT

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La ce prețuri se vând pomii tăiați de pe marginea drumurilor județene în Argeș

Consiliul Județean Argeș a stabilit tarifele de pornire a licitațiilor care vor fi organizate pentru valorificarea volumului brut de masă lemnoasă pe picior existent în zona de siguranță a unor drumuri județene unde se fac lucrări de &...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 22 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

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Still no justice: Ukraine marks anniversary of deadly post-Euromaidan clashes in Odessa

Preview Five years have passed since the deadly clashes in Odessa, Ukraine, but there is still no sense of justice. The constantly-delayed probe has only led to one conviction, while the courts have been harassed by far-right activists.
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Thu, 02 May 2019 16:08:00 +0000

Who wins from public debate? Liars, bullies and trolls

From Ben Shapiro offering Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez $10,000 to debate him, to the macho showdown between Jordan Peterson and Slavoj Žižek, public discourse has become debased

When Jordan Peterson and Slavoj Žižek met a fortnight ago in Toronto to do battle on the theme “Happiness: Capitalism v Marxism”, it cost US$14.95 (£11.60) to watch online, and touts were selling tickets for hundreds of dollars. Peterson, not having found time to read any of Žižek’s books, launched instead into an attack on The Communist Manifesto. In response, Žižek riffed about China, Trump, liberals, antisemitism and cheese. In the end, both men agreed that well-regulated capitalism was a good thing. It was billed as the “debate of the century”, and in a way it might as well have been: it was a perfect, if mostly harmless, illustration of why debate itself is such a bad idea.

We are told debate is the great engine of liberal democracy. In a free society, ideas should do battle in the public forum. Those who seek to lead us should debate with one another, and this will help us make the best possible informed judgments. Schoolchildren should be taught debating skills to better prepare them for the intellectual cut-and-thrust of the adult world. The rise in formal debating events such as those organised by Intelligence Squared enables citizens to better understand complex problems. People whose views we find abhorrent should not be ignored. We should debate with them, and so point out the flaws in the arguments. The more we debate, the happier and more civilised we will be.

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Fri, 03 May 2019 10:00:37 GMT

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