Emmanuel Macron s-a hazardat: specialiștii îl anunță când va fi refăcută catedrala Notre Dame
Fostul arhitect șef al catedralei Notre Dame de Paris, Bernard Fonquernie, este sceptic că reconstrucția șarpantei, distrusă de incendiul din martie, va fi gata în cinci ani, așa cum a cerut președintele Emmanuel Macron, spunând că, din păcate, politicienii nu știu ce se întâmplă
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Fri, 3 May 2019 18:16:02 +0200
Text (LINK) afiliat:Final pentru Liviu Dragnea! Un senator anunță: se aude zăngănit de cătușe!
Final pentru Liviu Dragnea! Un fost prim ministru anunță: se aude zăngănit de cătușe! Șeful PSD, Liviu Dragnea, nu mai are mult timp de petrecut în libertate. S-a detonat nucleara împotriva șefului Camerei Deputaților. Se aude zăngănit de cătușe, iar Dragnea ar face orice pentru a scăpa de pușcărie. Ultimele dezvăluiri sunt de-a dreptul explozive. Mizele sunt și mai mari.
Fri, 03 May 2019 18:02:11 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:Ro Ag
Măsuri speciale la biserici pentru Paşti
Riscul de producere a unor incendii la lăcaşurile de cult în perioada Paştelui este mare, iar tragedia de la Costeşti de acum aproape 100 de ani nu a fost uitată. Tocmai de aceea, pompierii argeşeni s-au mobilizat şi inspectorii de prev...(Citește tot articolul)
Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:En
Actor who played 'Chewbacca' in Star Wars dies – family
Peter Mayhew, the actor who played the character "Chewbacca" in the original Star Wars film trilogy, passed away on Wednesday "with his family by his side."
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Thu, 02 May 2019 23:03:00 +0000
How the news took over reality
Is engagement with current affairs key to being a good citizen? Or could an endless torrent of notifications be harming democracy as well as our wellbeing?
By Oliver Burkeman
The afternoon of Friday 13 November 2015 was a chilly one in Manhattan, but that only made the atmosphere inside the Old Town Bar, one of the city’s oldest drinking haunts, even cosier than usual. “It’s unpretentious, very warm, a nurturing environment – I regard it with a lot of fondness,” said Adam Greenfield, who was meeting a friend that day over beers and french fries in one of the bar’s wooden booths. “It’s the kind of place you lay down tracks of custom over time.” Greenfield is an expert in urban design, and liable to get more philosophical than most people on subjects such as the appeal of cosy bars. But anyone who has visited the Old Town Bar, or any friendly pub in a busy city, knows what he and his friend were experiencing: restoration, replenishment, repair. “And then our phones started to vibrate.”
In Paris, Islamist terrorists had launched a series of coordinated shootings and suicide bombings that would kill 130 people, including 90 attending a concert at the Bataclan theatre. As Greenfield reached for his phone in New York, he recalls, everyone else did the same, and “you could feel the temperature in the room immediately dropping”. Devices throughout the bar buzzed with news alerts from media organisations, as well as notifications from Facebook Safety Check, a new service that used geolocation to identify users in the general vicinity of the Paris attacks, inviting them to inform their friend networks that they were OK. Suddenly, it was as if the walls of the Old Town Bar had become porous – “like a colander, with this high-pressure medium of the outside world spurting through every aperture at once.”
Continue reading...Fri, 03 May 2019 05:00:38 GMT
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