Friday, May 3, 2019

Ro Ro Ag En - 305400571 / 672975 : 842



Asasinarea fratelui lui Kim Jong-un: vietnameza suspectată că l-a otrăvit a fost eliberată din detenţie

O vietnameză acuzată de asasinarea fratelui vitreg al liderului nord-coreean Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-Nam a fost eliberată vineri. 
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Fri, 3 May 2019 12:22:56 +0300

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HOST Outlet Servere


Curs valutar 3 mai 2019. Euro, a doua zi de scădere

Curs valutar 3 mai 2019. Banca Naţională a României (BNR) a anunţat, vineri, un curs de referinţă de 4,7561 lei/euro, o scădere de 0,04% faţă de nivelul atins joi.

Fri, 03 May 2019 13:12:30 +0200

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HOST Protectie Anti-DDoS


Ro Ag

Simona Bucura Oprescu, 71 de iniţiative legislative!

Simona Bucura Oprescu, deputat de Argeş al PSD, este unul dintre cei mai activi parlamentari ai partidului. Simona Bucura Oprescu a iniţiat sau a fost co-autor la nu mai puţin de 71 de iniţiative legislative, multe dintre acestea devenind legi. ...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 20 Mar 2019 00:00:00 +0200

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HOST Outlet Servere



‘My redemption song’: PewDiePie suggests India visit in wake of ‘racist’ videos controversy

Preview Top YouTuber PewDiePie has teased a visit to India to record a "redemption song" in the wake of his controversial music video duel with a rival which sparked a huge backlash and court ruling.
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Fri, 03 May 2019 08:56:17 +0000

George Best’s ex-wife Alex was three times over the drink-drive limit after crashing into a tree

FOOTIE legend George Best’s ex-wife today admitted drink-driving after crashing into a tree. Alex Best, 47, was treated for cuts and bruises and was found to be three times over the limit close to her home in Kingswood, Surrey, on April 6. Sources said she had spent some of the evening with former Lib Dem […]

Fri, 03 May 2019 09:46:56 +0000

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