Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Ro Ro Ag En - 784677300 / 933229 : 434



INNA A CEDAT! ȘOC în SHOWBIZ! Din păcate, NU a mai rezistat ...

Inna s-a confruntat, de curând, cu mari probleme de sănătate. Se afla chiar în timpul unui concert de-al său, când a început să se simtă rău. Artista a fost la un pas de a ajunge la urgențe, relatează...

Wed, 08 May 2019 10:19:25 +0300

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Supriză neplăcută pentru regele Felipe al VI-lea al Spaniei în timpul vizitei în Italia - O orchestră a cântat imnul de pe vremea lui Franco

Regele Felipe al VI-lea al Spaniei a avut parte de o surpriză neplăcută în timpul unei ceremonii oficiale în Italia, când o orchestră a cântat din greşeală versiunea franchistă a imnului naţional, relatează miercuri dpa potrivit Agerpres.
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Wed, 8 May 2019 12:43:05 +0200

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HOST Colocare Server


Ro Ag

Câţi locuitori mai are Argeşul?

La data de 1 iulie 2018 populaţia României era de puţin peste 22 milioane de persoane după domiciliul din buletin. Capitala Bucureşti e de departe pe primul loc atât în topul judeţelor, cât şi al municipiilor din ţară,...(Citește tot articolul)

Mon, 06 May 2019 00:00:00 +0300

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HOST Servere Administrate



People bring flowers & toys to commemorate Superjet-100 crash-landing victims (VIDEO)

Preview The news of 41 deaths in the crash-landing of a Superjet-100 in Moscow stunned residents in the northern Russian city of Murmansk, where the plane was headed. Improvised memorials popped up at the local airport and main street.
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Tue, 07 May 2019 01:34:00 +0000

Fired by Trump: former US attorney Preet Bharara on American justice – podcast

The ‘sheriff of Wall Street’, who took on mafia bosses and terrorists in court, looks back on his career. Plus: Tim Gordon on the silencing of the oceans

Preet Bharara rose to become one of the best-known lawyers of his generation. Nicknamed “the sheriff of Wall Street” after becoming the US attorney for the southern district of New York, he took on Russian oligarchs, mafia bosses and terrorists. He is even cited as the inspiration for the prosecutor in the hit TV series Billions.

Having been appointed by Barack Obama, Bharara was initially told he would be kept on in the job by Donald Trump. But just two months into the new presidency, Bharara was fired. He looks back on his career and at the subsequent investigations into Trump.

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Mon, 06 May 2019 02:00:02 GMT

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