Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Ro Ro Ag En - 495716825 / 676224 : 659



Mitropolit bulgar despre Papa Francisc: 'Cum să ne unim cu toţii? Nu e posibil să se unească lumina cu întunericul'

Vizita Papei Francisc în Bulgaria este un act politic pe care Biserica Ortodoxă Bulgară nu îl poate susține pe linie religioasă întrucât "obiectivul este acela de a se uni toate bisericile din jurul Romei", ...

Wed, 08 May 2019 13:03:18 +0300

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HOST Internet Business


Ca în BUDA lui Saddam Hussein. Se întâmplă în România: WC public de 120.000 de euro într-un orăşel amărât


Wed, 08 May 2019 09:08:00 GMT

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Ro Ag

Coplată pentru serviciile medicale private

Coplata pentru serviciile medicale private intră astăzi pe ordinea de zi a şedinţei de Guvern. Proiectul de ordonanţă de urgenţă prevede că asiguraţii se vor putea trata la spitalele private, însă vor fi nevoiţi să acopere diferen ...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

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HOST Healthcare



Pregnant woman BURNED ALIVE in India, allegedly by family opposed to her inter-caste marriage

Preview A young couple was set on fire outside Mumbai, allegedly by relatives who opposed their marriage as the two came from different castes. The pregnant woman died in the attack, while her husband sustained life-threatening burns.
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Tue, 07 May 2019 14:51:48 +0000

Man arrested at Trump International Hotel in DC on gun charge

A man was arrested on Tuesday for having a firearm inside his car while attending an event at the Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C., police said. The suspect had entered the hotel and approached a security checkpoint that was manned by Secret Service agents, according a D.C. police spokesman. The man did not make...

Tue, 07 May 2019 22:48:32 -0400

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Hosting IXP

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