iLikeIT. Cum funcţionează magazinele online de droguri, viruşi şi date furate din DarkNet
George Buhnici ne vorbește la iLikeIT despre una dintre cele mai importante capturi făcute de polițiști pe internet. Este vorba despre o piață ilegală care funcționa pe Dark Net, cu peste un milion de conturi înregistrate.
Mon, 06 May 2019 08:56:00 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:Investiţii împotriva inundaţiilor pe braţul Borcea. Realizarea digului Bentu, o lucrare în valoare de 33 milioane de euro
Din punct de vedere hidrografic, judeţul Ialomiţa este unul, să spunem aşa, liniştit, comparativ cu alte judeţe din ţară, însă sunt şi aici câteva probleme unde trebuie să intervenim, cu investiţii, pe diverse obiective punctuale, atât pe braţul Borcea cât şi pe râul Ialomiţa, a precizat Ioan Deneş, ministrul Apelor şi Pădurilor, prezent la Slobozia, la sfârşitul săptămânii.
Text (LINK) afiliat:Ro Ag
Plecarea deputatului Georgescu de la PSD la Pro România, parte a unui calcul complicat pentru PSD
Conducerea PSD ia în calcul să amâne până după Paște o reorganizare a Guvernului și, implicit, validarea în Parlament a noilor miniștri din cabinetul Dăncilă, pentru a-l scoate astfel din joc pe Klaus Iohannis. Î...(Citește tot articolul)
Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:En
Iran must boost non-oil revenues & oil sales to counter US sanctions ‘plot’ – Rouhani
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has called for resistance against US restrictions on its energy sector by boosting production and exports, as Washington tightens its sanctions grip on Tehran.
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Sat, 04 May 2019 08:21:48 +0000
Emu Mini ebike preview: ‘A nuggety, indestructible appeal’ | Martin Love
The Emu Mini folding electric bike is small enough to fit into your life and sturdy enough to take the hard work out of your commute
Emu Mini ebike
Price £999,
Motor 250w
Range 12-20 miles
Gears Shimano Nexus
With its chunky 16in wheels and bouncy tyres, thick tubes and sturdy set-up, the Emu Mini is the Thelwell pony of folding ebikes. So many portable rides tend to be on the feeble and flimsy side. In order to be light enough to carry, manufacturers have to make concessions. So the pipework becomes thinner, handlebars and saddles are trimmed, accessories are cut back. If you are spending a lot of money, this is no problem as only the highest quality and most technical materials are used. But at the cheaper end you are left with a bike that feels at best skimpy and at worst dangerous. The Emu Mini, however, exudes a nuggety, indestructible, go-anywhere appeal. Sit on it and you feel safe and secure. It’s versatile and has a neat fold that makes it compact enough to carry and stow. It saves weight by having a relatively small battery. The whole thing tips the scales at 17kg. It only has a range of about 20 miles, but that’s plenty as the bike is intended to be a mixed-mode commuter – or a final-mile solution. It has a three-speed hub gear and disc brakes. Integrated lighting and full mudguards are included. Saddle up and the city is yours to explore.
Continue reading...Sun, 05 May 2019 05:00:40 GMT
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