Atac cibernetic al grupării Hamas asupra Israelului, prevenit prin distrugerea totală a sediului (VIDEO)
Sediul operațiunilor cibernetice al grupării Hamas fost distrus în totalitate de către Forţele Armate Israeliene, după ce, din interiorul acestuia, au fost detectate operațiuni ofensive de natură...
Mon, 06 May 2019 11:50:00 +0300
Text (LINK) afiliat:Poliţişti agresaţi la petrecerea din faţa blocului social. Oamenii s-au năpustit asupra forţelor de ordine, după ce le-au fost interzise grătarele şi manelele
Forţele de intervenţie ale Poliţiei şi Jandarmeriei au fost chemate pentru aplanarea unui scandal creat de mai mulţi petrecăreţi, după ce poliţiştii le-au cerut să oprească grătarele făcute în faţa unui bloc de locuinţe sociale.
Text (LINK) afiliat:Ro Ag
Aveţi grijă! Recomandări de la Prefectură pentru minivacanţa de Paşti şi 1 Mai!
Prefectul judeţului Argeş, Emilian Dragnea, a făcut o serie de recomandări pentru cetăţeni pentru minivacanţa de Paşti şi 1 Mai. Iată care sunt acestea:- În zonele aglomerate din pieţe, gări, autogări, în magazine, fiţi foa...(Citește tot articolul)
Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300
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It’s a kind of magic: Rock band Queen are richer than the actual Queen
The combined wealth of rock legends Queen has topped that of the British monarch, overtaking their royal namesake by almost $100 million after the success of the recent Bohemian Rhapsody film, the new Sunday Times Rich List shows.
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Sun, 05 May 2019 09:23:26 +0000
Table for one: how eating alone is radically changing our diets
From grazing on snacks to dining solo, a third of Britons now regularly eat every meal on their own. Is this fuelling the loneliness epidemic or providing hidden health benefits?
Eating alone has become a defining feature of modern life: the breakfasting commuter; the household members with conflicting schedules; the widower who receives few visitors. Almost a third of British adults are eating alone “most or all of the time”, according to the latest Wellbeing Index, compiled with data from more than 8,000 people for Sainsbury’s by Oxford Economics and the National Centre for Social Research. Similarly, a Mintel survey of 2,000 UK consumers aged 16 and over has found that one in three are “regularly eating every meal alone”. In London, the figure rises to almost half.
Much of this solitary munching takes place behind closed doors. Single-occupancy homes are the second-most-common household size in Britain and a record 35% of over-16s are single, according to the Office for National Statistics. This is why, in 2018, Tesco announced plans to stock more than 400 single-portion products including burgers, steaks and vegetables.
Continue reading...Mon, 06 May 2019 07:00:08 GMT
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