Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Ro Ro Ag En - 100374906 / 235189 : 646



VIDEO Iarnă autentică în Rânca şi pe Transalpina. „De obicei, pe 1 mai sfârâiau grătarele, iar acum stăm în cojoc“

Iarnă autentică pe Transalpina şi în staţiunea montană Rânca, din judeţul Gorj, la începutul lunii mari. Ninge de azi-noapte, iar temperatura înregistrată în această dimineaţă era de zero grade Celsius.

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HOST Backup Date


Aglomeraţie pe Valea Prahovei, se circulă în coloană

Centrul Infotrafic anunţă că, miercuri, se circulă cu dificultate pe Drumul Naţional 1, în zona staţiunilor montane din judeţul Prahova, din cauza aglomeraţiei.
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Wed, 1 May 2019 11:42:32 +0300

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Ro Ag

Camera Deputaţilor a votat pentru repatrierea rezervei de aur a României

Camera Deputaţilor, în calitate de for decizional, a adoptat astăzi proiectul de lege iniţiat de PSD pentru repatrierea integrală a rezervei de aur a României. Proiectul de lege a vizat modificarea şi completarea art. 30 din Legea nr...(Citește tot articolul)

Thu, 25 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

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HOST Gazduire & Domenii



1,000 miners rescued, some 800 remain trapped underground in South Africa platinum mine

Preview Around 1,000 people have been evacuated safely from a South African platinum mine, while some 800 people remain stranded 1.5 kilometers underground after an accident blocked a major shaft.
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Tue, 30 Apr 2019 16:50:00 +0000

The startups paving the way for a world without plastics

With oceans becoming clogged by plastics, the need for ecofriendly alternative materials is more urgent than ever – and these startups are at the forefront of their development

It is easy to forget that plastic was once considered something of a miracle material. It can hold your shopping, protect your food and line your bin. But its benefits have been eclipsed by its dark side, with around 8m tonnes of the stuff ending up in the sea each year, some of which joins the Great Pacific garbage patch – a shameful, swirling mass of mostly plastic waste roughly four times the size of California, which is growing exponentially according to one recent study.

But its versatility does highlight how our efforts to end our dependence on plastic will require more than just reducing our consumption of single-use plastic packaging. We also need affordable, biodegradable alternatives to things such as clingfilm, styrofoam and other everyday items.

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Fri, 29 Mar 2019 12:48:23 GMT

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