Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Ro Ro Ag En - 8611241 / 35605 : 26



Casă găurită de grindină la Urlaţi, în Prahova (Video)

Vijeliile au făcut ravagii în a treia zi de Paşte, în mai multe judeţe din ţară, însă în Prahova grindina a provocat distrugeri însemnate. Astfel, o casă din Urlaţi a fost pur şi simplu ciuruită de bucăţile de gheaţă.

Tue, 30 Apr 2019 17:23:30 +0200

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HOST eCommerce


Unul dintre cele mai aglomerate roiuri de stele din Calea Lactee, surprins în mod spectaculos de Hubble | VIDEO

Unul dintre cele mai aglomerate şi strălucitoare roiuri de stele din Calea Lactee, Messier 75, a fost fotografiat recent de telescopul spaţial Hubble, iar imaginea a fost publicată de NASA pe site-ul său.

Tue, 30 Apr 2019 19:57:42 GMT

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HOST Financiar


Ro Ag

Plecarea deputatului Georgescu de la PSD la Pro România, parte a unui calcul complicat pentru PSD

Conducerea PSD ia în calcul să amâne până după Paște o reorganizare a Guvernului și, implicit, validarea în Parlament a noilor miniștri din cabinetul Dăncilă, pentru a-l scoate astfel din joc pe Klaus Iohannis. Î...(Citește tot articolul)

Wed, 24 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300

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HOST Engineering



The Guardian view on May’s elections: resolve Brexit, defend democracy | Editorial

Mainstream politicians will only find a way out of current mess by reconnecting with the public. They are failing to do so

The outcome of the 2016 referendum on the United Kingdom’s membership of the European Union remains provisional. Brexit is coming about not because government or MPs want it but because the people chose it and are said still to want it. What they chose and what they are now offered is less clear than ever. May’s local council, mayoral and European elections offer a window for politicians to re-engage the population about Brexit, listening to their concerns and priorities.

Depressingly, neither the governing party nor the official opposition has grasped the opportunity. Brexit was supposed to force Westminster to venture out of its bubble and rediscover the rest of the country. Yet the political class is more navel-gazing than ever. This is bad for democracy on many levels. Mainstream politicians have to hear what people are saying; they need to test – and if necessary reshape – their arguments; they must balance the people’s wishes with the security of the nation. Instead, the Labour party is split over Brexit and has its work cut out covering the ever-widening cracks in its fragile coalition. The Conservatives’ poll numbers are in freefall; they have resigned themselves to devastating losses in the local elections and are running scared at the thought of European elections. So low are expectations for the Liberal Democrats that the party’s leader announced his departure before the vote.

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Tue, 30 Apr 2019 18:14:48 GMT

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