FOTO-VIDEO Incendiu PUTERNIC lângă aeroportul Heathrow, cel mai mare din Marea Britanie: cursele au avut ÎNTÂRZIERI
Pompierii au intervin, duminică, pentru a stinge un incendiu uriaş la un depozit de cărbune, aflat lângă Aeroportul Heathrow din Londra, cel mai mare din Marea Britanie.
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Sun, 28 Apr 2019 20:42:15 +0200
Gina Pistol a pus pe lista de invitați 3 nume mari, la nunta ei cu Smiley. Anunțul vedetei
Sun, 28 Apr 2019 13:40:48 +0000
Ro Ag
La ce prețuri se vând pomii tăiați de pe marginea drumurilor județene în Argeș
Consiliul Județean Argeș a stabilit tarifele de pornire a licitațiilor care vor fi organizate pentru valorificarea volumului brut de masă lemnoasă pe picior existent în zona de siguranță a unor drumuri județene unde se fac lucrări de &...(Citește tot articolul)
Mon, 22 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +0300
Serial thrillers: the science behind our box set addiction
Hour after hour, we’re glued to the TV as the latest series unfolds. It feels like a thoroughly modern phenomenon. But what keeps us gripped goes right to the heart of what it is to be human
Not long ago, I was bingeing on the second series of Jill Soloway’s award-winning television series Transparent when I was, completely unexpectedly, brought to tears. The show tracks the ramifications of a family patriarch’s decision to transition to a woman, from Mort to Maura. The scene in question revolved around Maura’s son, Josh Pfefferman, a jovial, wry, essentially decent record company executive who is thoroughly modern, and always wanting to be supportive of Maura’s journey.
But as the series progresses, things start slipping for Josh. In one scene, he’s driving with band members and starts uncharacteristically ranting. “Look at this traffic!” he says. “They time it out so you can’t get anywhere. It’s a fucking conspiracy.” Josh honks his horn at other drivers. “Fucking go you piece of shit!” He’s losing control. The woman beside him insists he pulls over. Josh is hyperventilating.
Continue reading...Sun, 28 Apr 2019 09:00:16 GMT